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On His arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother.  When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him, but Mary stayed at home. “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give You whatever you ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” (John 11: 17-23)

Please read this entire account in John 11: 1-45.  We’ll be pondering this passage for a few days.  I was reading this familiar story in my time with the Lord this past Saturday morning.  You know how it is, when you’ve read something 1000 times, and then zap!  The Holy Spirit bowls you over with it?  Well, that’s what happened to me. I feel that I am to share with you some of what I saw afresh in that passage.

So Jesus’ good friends, Mary and Martha, sent word to Him that their brother and Jesus’ friend Lazarus was very sick.  They asked Him to come.  But Jesus never arrived before Lazarus died.  Four days after Lazarus’ death, when he would have already been “stinking,” when Mary and Martha were grieving and surrounded with mourners, Jesus finally showed up.

What must they have felt while Lazarus got sicker and sicker?  SURELY Jesus wouldn’t let them down!  “Where IS He?” Then their brother was gone!  What disappointment in Jesus they must have experienced!

Have you ever felt that?  You’re hurting.  You’ve prayed.  Others have prayed.  However, no relief seems to be in sight.  Where IS He?

This reminds me of a family story.  My daughter’s three boys at a much younger age were outside with her as their Daddy, Steven, was trying to roof the new shop by himself.  The volunteer help had not shown up, and the task was hard.  Amy was praying for her husband and asking the Lord to send help for him.  She kept on praying out loud about this as time passed by, and Steven struggled.  However, no one came to help.  Finally, Joseph spoke us with his astute little observation:  “Mama, I think Jesus is asleep!

That’s what it can feel like sometimes.  You wait, and you wait, but nothing seems to be happening.

Why does God delay? Often, God is at work behind the scenes, putting the pieces in place in ways you could not imagine in order to create answers that will delight you when they appear.  In this case, Jesus let the situation become humanly impossible so that it was completely clear that He was God, for only God could overpower death itself. If your circumstances seem to be growing worse and worse, this may just be a set-up for a miracle.  If you think about it, desperately impossible situations are the most fertile grounds for miracles. Like Martha, hold on to faith that even at this late hour, God can step in, and upside-down situations can be right-side-upped.

Further, keep your eyes on Him and your attitude right while you’re waiting.  The Lord may want to work a miracle or two of growth and healing inside you before and even instead of changing your situation.  Sometimes God delivers you out of circumstances.  Other times He delivers you in them.

God, there are some things I’ve been waiting for a long time.  According to Your Word, I know that I am praying in Your will.  When will I see them, O Lord?  How long must I wait?  My eyes are on You, my God.  I know that You are at work.  In the meantime, You have my full permission to be at work within me, transforming me more completely into the woman You want me to be. I trust You, my Lord.





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