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Moses staff

Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?”

Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

“A staff,” he replied. (Some translations call it a rod.)

The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” 

Moses threw it on the ground, and it became a snake, and he ran from it. Then the Lord said to him, “Reach out your hand, and take it by the tail.” So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake, and it turned back into a staff in his hand. “This,” said the Lord, “is so that they may believe that the Lord, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to you.” (Exodus 4: 1-4)

So Moses was on the back side of the wilderness with sheep, and he saw a strange burning bush.  Despite the fire, that bush did not burn up.  Then, my heavens!  God started talking to Moses from that bush!  He told Moses that he should remove his shoes because he was on holy ground.  Then he instructed the shepherd that He wanted him to go to Egypt and persuade Pharoah to let His people go.

But Moses was a long way from convinced, despite this dramatic display! He questioned, “But Pharoah won’t want to do that. Who will I tell him that sent me?”  At that point God revealed a strange but powerful Name:  “I Am Who I Am.”  I’ve written about “I Am” before.  Whatever we need in whatever circumstance we are in, He is.

But I want to get to that staff, for in that odd exchange between God and Moses, great truths for you and me are revealed.

God asked Moses, “What’s that in your hand?”

And God asks you and me when we are feeling totally inadequate to the task, “Don’t tell me what you don’t have.  Tell me what is in your hand.  What do you have?” 

When Moses’ eyes went to his hand, he saw that ordinary, plain stick that he used as a tool with his difficult sheep each day out on that mountainside.  Nothing fancy.  Not impressive.  Just an everyday old staff.

Do not discount what you have to work with or the abilities you have been given.  Very ordinary talents and tools are transformed into the extraordinary when given up to God. 

God told Moses to do just that:  “Throw it down!”

If you aren’t willing to release what you possess, you won’t see the miracles God has in store for you and for others through you.

So Moses obeyed, and he threw down that staff.  Yikes!  It turned into a snake, and Moses ran!

It’s scary to let go of what is familiar, what is a part of your everyday routine, and where you feel comfortable and competent.

Now the kicker.  God told Moses, “Pick it up.  By the tail!” By the tail, God?  Anyone knows that if you are going to be foolish enough to pick up a snake, you will grab his head – not his tail.  But God had a plan that was not the customary human way.  His way involved obedience in spite of fear and trust despite confusion.

God will sometimes direct you to move ahead in ways that make no sense to you and that frighten the bejeebies out of you.  Are you willing to act in faith on His Word, no matter what?

So Moses did it.  He grabbed that old snake by the tail, and immediately it turned back into the staff.  But now that staff was different.  No longer was it just the ordinary staff of Moses.  Now Moses was holding the rod of God!

What’s that in your hand?  Be willing to release it all into God’s Hands, and just watch Him transform who you are and what you have. And fasten your seat belt!  You’re about to launch into an amazing adventure in covenant partnership with Almighty God.

God, forgive me when I discount the resources You want to work with in my life.  I give it all to you.  I know and trust that You will multiply it, miraculously transform it, and use it to make a difference to others!













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