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As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For He says, “In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. (II Corinthians 6: 1-2)

I’m working on a great project with 3 close friends.  We’ll be offering a subscription website for women who want to discover and passionately live their purpose in life.  It’s beautiful to see four women with different gifts and experiences working together in harmony toward important outcomes.  God made me creative, and I can come up with a “brilliant” new idea on the average of every 30 seconds.

Thankfully, others on the team remind me of practical issues like priorities, time, and resources.  One of the most important questions that my colleagues put on the table is, “When?”  By when?  What steps will need to be taken in order to make that happen at that time?  What will we do by the time of our meeting next week?


It’s one of the most important questions you can answer.  The failure to do so results in procrastinated and unfulfilled goals floating around in your frustrated heart. How many of those are languishing on your “list,” getting carried over week after week. fueled by good intentions but not by actions.

Do these 3 things:

  1.  Ask God if “that thing” is really something that He is assigning you to do. If it’s a good idea but not a God idea, let it go! If it is, go!
  2. If it’s really important and something that you’re supposed to accomplish, break it down.  One of the biggest reasons for procrastination is that the task feels overwhelming.  Let your first action step be to divide the task up into bite-sized steps that are doable in small blocks of time.  Don’t do as I do sometimes and keep waiting for the big space on the calendar to free up so that I can “really concentrate on it.”  (Fat chance!)
  3. Take some little step on that priority today. No matter how busy your schedule is this day, remember that it probably won’t be much better tomorrow.  I promise you, taking that first step is the hardest, and once you begin the journey, you’ll begin to experience momentum.

Someday becomes no day if you don’t actually begin.

God, please help me to discern Your callings from my own grand plans.  And when a task or project is in front of me that is either standing in the way of my growth or that will move me further down the road in making a difference, help me, please!  Give me the discipline, the courage, and the energy to move – today!





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