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I sought the Lord, and He answered me;
    He delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34: 4)

I get nervous on Weather Alert days (like today in our area). I acquired that anxiety through some very scary weather experiences. I’m better than I used to be, though. Most of us have some kind of specific acquired anxiety because life has handed us some frightening events, and that invites us to be nervous any time we’re reminded of that experience.

The problem is, that anxiety can spread. Fear can hold you and me back from opportunities that are ours for the taking.

What’s are the costs of living in worry and anxiety? Some of you know all too well.  The tolls anxiety exacts on your body, your emotions, and your productivity are legendary.

Additionally, consider another aspect of the stolen booty of the thief fear. When you’re chronically experiencing anxiety, this usually means that you’re feeling threatened in some way.  When you’re feeling threatened, your focus is on “survival” – in other words, on self-protection.  Though you may have talents and callings in relating with people, you lose the capacity for going outside yourself to offer empathy to others. The sacrifice of purpose fulfillment is an exhorbitant price!

The thief fear also belongs to a gang, and he brings his buddies along with him.  In other words, anxieties multiply and grow when you give them place in your life.

Look, like I shared with you, I suffer from some post-trauma anxieties, too, so I don’t speak as one who has all of it together.  I’m a work in progress on this one.

However, I come to you as one who knows the Truth. When I listen to God rather than to the anxieties that can sucker-punch me before they try to rob me, I am defended against those enemies of my soul.  When I call to the front and center of my mind my covenant with Christ in which His strength and His provisions are mine, the nervousness dissipates.  When I call out to Him, He hears me.  When I am willing to hear Him, He delivers me from all my fears.

The same is true for you!  The scripture says, “You’ll know the Truth, and the Truth make you free.”

Arrest that thief!  Jesus says you don’t have to live this way!

Lord, anything that could happen today, You already know about and You’ve already provided for; You have me covered.  That’s Your job.  My job is to trust You more than I trust my worries.  I believe You, Lord – and please help my unbelief

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