For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. (Romans 11: 29)

I’ve had this comforting verse on my mind as I’ve worked with three certain clients this week, all of whom were tempted to believe that they had no purpose, that they had sinned their way into disqualification, or that they had just messed up one too many times for God to still want to use them. Have you ever felt any of these?

According to God’s Word, God is never done with you. He’s placed abilities and talents within you that are aligned with the purpose and calling He has placed on your life. He will stir and nourish those gifts within you any time you are willing to have Him work in you and through you.

I hear someone asking, “But what about the parable of the talents? Didn’t God take away the talents of two?” Well, first of all, the talents in that parable were money. Who among us has not lost money when we made unwise decisions with it?

Romans 11: 29 reveals that God is not going to change His mind about the gifts He gave you to use to make His world a better place. He has placed deep within you a calling for your unique opportunities.

It’s not too late for you! On the authority of His Word, God wants you to hear that!

Lord, Your mercy and grace are astounding! Thank You for all the chances You’ve given me and for Your plans for me that You keep working. I praise you that age or mistakes or the opinions of others cannot alter Your relentless Love for me. I submit to that Love, and my heart is grateful from its depths.

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