For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.  (Proverbs 23:7)

Here’s an interesting one-question quiz for you.  Your answer will reveal a great deal about your habits of thought.

If you could pick one color to describe your mind and your emotions, what would that color be??

Come on.  What’s the first color that popped into your mind? And for you, how does that color feel?  What does that hue suggest about how you usually think?

I started pondering this question when I read a thought-provoking quote by Marcus Aurelius:

“A man’s thoughts dye his soul.” 

What kinds of thoughts do you dwell on? What types of wonderings and ponderings occupy most of your mental space? You see, the way you think has everything to do with how you feel.

Are you in the habit of worrying?  Worry is negative rehearsal for the things you fear. Worry dyes the soul (the mind, will, and emotions) – dark red, negative and on high alert.

Is depression your most common emotional experience?  Depression involves obsessing over the worst in your life circumstances, your worst faults, your predictions of a dire future. Depression colors your soul dark gray approaching black, like gathering storm clouds.

Maybe the color you thought of was yellow like sunshine, bright orange like fiery hot, or a beautiful blue like serene water.  Well, cool!

Your thoughts dictate your emotions, and you have the power in each life situation to choose where your mind will focus. Will you zero in on what is wrong in your life, or will you opt for optimism? Will you focus on your inadequacy or His “more than enough?” Will you look for what you can do or obsess about what you can’t?

Dye your soul” with the beautiful colors of a sunrise or sunset – pinks, lavenders, yellows, oranges, and soft blues. I love those colors, and I love the peace and joy that fills me when I choose the kind of thoughts that produce them.

As wise King Solomon said, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

God, You’ve told me that You are working on me to give me the mind of Christ.  I want to think like You think about myself, my situation, and my future.  Renew my mind, Holy Spirit.  

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