Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  (Ephesians 6: 10-13)

Stand, stand, stand!  Got it?

But what does it mean to stand?

First of all, stand means don’t sit down!  Don’t quit.  I believe that someone reading this has been asking, “Is it really worth it?  Is it every going to work out?  Will I ever see results?”  Certainly, pray and ask God what you are to do in your specific situation.  However, don’t quit from discouragement!  If God called you to it, He’ll sustain you through it. If God has not released you, don’t throw in the towel; wipe the sweat with it, and keep going!  Stand!

Another meaning of that focus word is to “stand against,” put up protection, resist attack.  Every individual, especially every Christ-follower, has a Satanic enemy who has many demonic helpers.  They want nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy you.  (John 10: 10) They are individually strategic, they are organized, and they are patient.  If they can get a toe hold in your life, they’ll just keep working at it until they get a foot hold. I’ve heard it said (and I believe it) that the enemy bides his time, letting you believe all is well when it’s not.  He waits until you have developed maximum influence to close in and bring you down.  He wants to hurt as many people as possible.  Jesus has conquered these foes, and He has given believers the authority of His Name. Use that Name boldly.  Stand!

A third way we’re called to stand is “having done all, stand.”  When you’ve done all that you know to do, when you’ve followed God’s principles and the Spirit’s leading, but you still aren’t seeing results – stand in trust.  God is working behind the scenes, putting you and all the pieces in order.  He’s taking care of what’s needed so that when the harvest comes, it will be healthy and bountiful.  Rest in Him.  Stand!

The renowned Christian writer, Watchman Nee, wrote a book called, “Sit, Walk, Stand.”  I highly recommend his explanation of successful Christian living. 

And, as you go out the door – some of you into the messiness of a lingering tropical storm and others into the messiness of a life gone awry – STAND!

Dear Lord, I cannot stand on my own.  I need Your power to persevere.  I also need to know when I’m standing in the wrong space! Your wisdom, O Lord.  Your wisdom!

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