
Read Number 13-14.  The thoughts in this devotional span this passage, which is too lengthy to print.


The Israelites aren’t the only ones who’ve spent some time in the wilderness.  The wilderness is not just a place; it’s a state of mind.  Some are in the wilderness because they have made such unwise choices that they have simply lost their way.  Others find themselves there when they are going through some kind of major (or even minor!) life transition.  The wilderness experience is one of the 3 “normal” stages. However you get there, you just don’t have to stay there longer than necessary. You certainly don’t have to linger 40 years!

As you know, the Israelites were passing through the wilderness (well, actually going in circles in the wilderness) because they had come out of Egypt.  They had come out of somewhere.  And, if they had chosen well (most didn’t!), they were going somewhere – somewhere good.

If you manage to complete a transition, you also go through 3 stages.  But first, understand that a transition is not just a change of circumstance or situation.  Transition is the internal process of adjusting to, taking up residence in, and becoming productive and purposeful in the new situation.  That takes longer!

Now, back to the 3 stages. Every transition begins with an ending.  You leave somewhere, and included in the leaving is the grieving. This is especially true if the leaving happened to you, and you had no choice. The second stage of transition is the wilderness – a time of confusion, anxiety, fatigue, and unfamiliarity. Everything feels strange, and you feel as if you’re having to learn how to live and function all over again. However, the good news is that the wilderness experience can be one of the most creative times for that very reason.  You don’t just go by habit; you can’t.  You have to pray and think and invent! The third stage of transition is new beginnings.  That’s when you begin to see the light, function on all cylinders, feel connected again, and get your needs met in new ways in your changed situation.  This 3-stage process happens over and over – psychologically and spiritually – in our lives. Though it may not feel like it, God is right there:  ever-present, ever-helping, ever-empowering, ever-providing.

But even in the best of circumstances,  transitions do not happen instantaneously.  When faith is lost and poor choices are made, the positive destination may not be reached at all.  A person can “die in the wilderness.”  Sometimes I see people in my clinical office years after an “ending,” and they are still stuck – bitter, wandering, and confused. This does not have to be.

When the models of Joshua and Caleb see modern-day demonstration, the outcome is entirely different.  These Israelite men of faith heard the promises of God deeply within their hearts, “saw” the fulfillment of those promises through their spiritual eyes, and put one foot in front of the other in the steps God gave them day by day.  While many around them were disgruntled and dissatisfied, they remained thankful for God’s provisions each day. Manna wasn’t all that tasty, but it sustained life when they needed it most.  When they were thirsty in the desert, He gave them cool water, just when they had to have it.  When they went to scout the land and throughout the wilderness experience, they looked for the best and focused on what they did have.  They relished the fact that God was present with them, though the times were hard and the terrain was rough.

If you are in a wilderness in your life right now, recognize that as you walk in faith and trust in God, you will not be there forever.  The sadness in your heart will be comforted and healed.  The confusion in your mind will yield to divinely-given clarity and focus.  God has a new Promised Land for you if you are willing to stay true to Him through these difficulties and, in His mighty Name, reach out and claim it!

Lord, I need You as I struggle with the changes life hands me and as I willfully implement the changes You instruct.  I affirm that when I feel lost, You aren’t.  When I feel inadequate, You are.  When I feel my life has come to a screeching halt, You have a wonderful “GO!” plan.  You are my Life and my Security, O God.  I trust You.

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